Exclusive breastfeeding is the practice of feeding an infant only breast milk for the first six months of life, without introducing any other food or liquids, not even water. It is considered the most effective way to provide optimal nutrition and immune protection for newborns, ensuring their healthy growth and development. Breast milk contains the perfect balance of nutrients, antibodies, and enzymes essential for the baby’s physical and cognitive development. It helps in reducing the risk of infections, respiratory illnesses, and chronic conditions later in life.

To ensure effective exclusive breastfeeding, mothers need proper guidance on breastfeeding techniques, positioning, and understanding their baby’s feeding cues. It’s important for mothers to know how to establish and maintain a good milk supply, which involves frequent feeding and ensuring the baby latches correctly. A proper latch ensures that the baby gets enough milk while preventing discomfort for the mother.

At the New Born Care Centre (NBCC) in Patna, Dr. Shrawan Kumar plays a vital role in guiding mothers through the exclusive breastfeeding process. He provides personalized support, teaching mothers how to position the baby correctly for optimal feeding. Dr. Kumar emphasizes early initiation of breastfeeding, ideally within the first hour after birth, as it helps establish a strong bond and stimulates milk production.

He also educates mothers on recognizing hunger cues, such as sucking on hands, making sucking noises, or turning toward the breast, so they can feed their babies on demand. At NBCC, Dr. Kumar ensures that mothers receive emotional support, addressing common breastfeeding challenges like sore nipples, engorgement, and low milk supply. His guidance helps mothers confidently breastfeed their babies, promoting their health and well-being during the critical first months of life.